Guelph Community Backpack Project
Partnering with the Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition, the Salvation Army, the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, Immigrant Services, and the YMCA, Hope House leads the coordination of a school supply drive to provide every child (K- Grade 12) in need with a brand new, fully stocked backpack.
By owning something brand new, the kids feel that they matter, that they are valued and that they have not been overlooked or forgotten. We are simultaneously helping their school readiness as well as their state of mind and self-confidence going into a new school year.
One of the best poverty fighting tools is a full education, one free of disparities and inequalities. Research has demonstrated that children and youth living in poverty tend to have poorer education results compared to wealthier peers. These discrepancies are not due to the lack of ability to perform, but are rather the outcome of not having the necessary resources in order to be confident and successful in their academic journeys.
If you have any questions about the project please email: backpackproject@hopehouseguelph.ca.
Registration is now closed for the 2024/25 school year.
Thank you to the sponsors shown below:
Woodlawn Road East
“I got to hand out backpacks this year, and seeing the smiles on the faces of the children, just made me want to help more.”
— Backpack Volunteer
“I can’t believe we get a choice. Like we get to pick our own colour!”
— Child Recipient
“With my family of three young children and one teenager, these backpacks were a gift to us. Back to school costs much, much money and new supplies are needed.”
— Backpack Recipient Parent