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Operating Hours

Monday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed



10 Cork Street East
Guelph, Ontario, N1H 2W8


(519) 265-4299

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1869
Guelph Ontario, N1H 7A1


General Info:

Supports Needed:
(519) 265-4299 ext. 23

(519) 265-4299 ext. 33

Become a Hope House Community Member

If you are a resident of Guelph looking to access Hope House services and programs we can complete an intake to register you as a Hope House Community Member. We will introduce you to our programs and can discuss other services in the community.

Please come at least an hour before we close to allow enough time for the intake process and your first shop in our food market. Bring along a piece of ID for yourself and each member of your household as well as reusable bags to carry your groceries.

Contact with any questions or to receive intake forms by e-mail.


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Hope House Guelph logo in purple, featuring a circular design with a house outline and the word "News" below.
Person pointing at laptop screen while another types, wearing a fitness tracker.

In the Media

Government of Canada announces projects funded under the Community Services Recovery Fund

A group of six people standing indoors in front of a colorful mural, under the word "ANNOUNCEMENT" on a purple banner.

Community service organizations are at the forefront of addressing community needs. During the pandemic, many of these vital organizations struggled with increased demand for their services, reduced revenues, declines in charitable giving and a greater reliance on digital tools. Their post-pandemic recovery is key to their continued ability to offer services and adapt to the changing needs of communities across Canada. 

Today, Lloyd Longfield, Member of Parliament for Guelph, on behalf of the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, announced funding for 38 local organizations*, totalling $2,050,435.00 through the Community Services Recovery Fund. 

Hope House Guelph, The Seed Project at the Guelph Community Health Centre and Chalmers Community Services are collaborating partners in the United Way Poverty to Possibility collective impact project for the Community Services Recovery Grant where they received $178,000 to bring and distribute an additional million dollars of free food in Guelph. 

Thanks to the Community Services Recovery Fund, these local community service organizations will be able to adapt, modernize and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility and sustainability of the community services and supports that they provide. Whether the funded projects focus on recruitment and retention, modernizing organizational systems and processes, or innovating program delivery, the Community Services Recovery Fund reflects the Government’s commitment to invest in this sector, so that community service organizations can continue to support families and individuals across Canada. 

The application process for this fund was managed by three National Funder organizations: the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada. These National Funders were selected to deliver the Community Services Recovery Fund to a broad and diverse range of community service organizations across Canada. 

For more information, including a list of funded projects, visit the National Funders’ Community Services Recovery Fund website.